Saturday, October 11, 2008

Relying on Who God is

I'm convinced daily that if we as Christians REALLY pondered in our hearts, as Mary did at the news of her virgin pregnancy, who God is, we would have a whole lot less to worry about.

God is Elohim - the creator. All things are created by God, including our personalities and individual bents along with our spiritual gifts. So celebrate who God created you to be.

God is Jehovah - the great I AM. The self-existent one. He needs nothing or no one. And yet, He choose to create us to have an intimate and fulfilling fellowship with him.

God is Rapha - the healer. God is able to heal our physical bodies and our emotional hurts as well. Call on Jehovah Rapha today if you are in need of healing.

God is Shalom - peace. In need of peace today? Call on the God of peace and see if with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you don't have the peace that passes all understanding even during the roughest times.

God is Jirah - the provider. Are you in need today? Need a friend to talk to, need a job, need money to pay the bills, need a more intimate relationship with your creator then call on Jehovah Jirah. He will provide.

God is Roi - the God who sees. God sees your every move. God sees the tears you cry. God sees the circumstances that seem bigger than He is right now. But, not only does God see, He cares. Zephaniah 3:17 reminds us that God is with us, He is mighty to save, He takes delight in us, He quiets us with his love and He rejoices over us with singing.

God is perfect Righteousness, He is Just, He is Sovereign, He is perfect Love, He is Ever-present, He is All knowing, He is all Powerful, He never changes, He is Eternal and God is Truth.

Need I say more.

Trust the God who is all these things today with the childlike faith Jesus talked about. We know His ways are not our ways and we know we can stand firm on the promise that if we trust in Him with all our hearts and don't lean on our understanding, if we trust Him in ALL our ways (physical, financial, relationships, spiritual, emotional) He will indeed make our paths straight.

But the best news of all, God is our Abba!

Our daddy who wants to comfort, instruct, and love His children. Know that today you are loved by your Abba. And rest in the knowledge that there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less than He does right and there is nothing you can do to make God love you any more than He does right now.

Rest my dear brother or sister in the Righteous Right Hand of the Almighty.